Friday, 29 March 2013

"All About Software Engineer"

Dear Readers, I am Going to Write Something about software Engineer's Main Function These Functions Almost We<Software professional> are Using  Daily In Our Work-place.....

There are two primary functions of a software engineer: development and maintenance. Development is the fun part, the part where you get to create new things or augment existing things with new functionality. Development is the breath of a software engineer – it’s what we live for. There’s nothing more exciting than creating something new. And every software engineer wants to be doing this as much as possible. Unfortunately, that only lasts for so long.
The second function, maintenance, is what many software engineers dread. This is otherwise known as fixing bugs. When it follows development pretty closely, people generally don’t mind. But when you’re maintaining code somebody else wrote, especially if it was written a long time ago, this quickly turns into the part that many engineers hate. Everyone is always looking for a way to get back into development, even though maintenance is a nice mental break from the hurried development cycle.
Almost all software engineers begin their careers doing maintenance. It’s very common for interns or other junior engineers to simply start by fixing bugs. In fact, some companies do that with more experienced engineers, too. The reason behind this is because figuring out what’s wrong helps you to learn about the software as a whole. Debugging is an excellent way to get acclimated to a new code base. There is nothing as revealing as stepping through code that you’ve never seen before to figure out why something is happening.
Engineers move on to real development, creating something from scratch, when they’re good enough at the maintenance tasks that they know their way around the software.

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